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Zero Maybe More!

الناشر:Sunono Publishing - سنونو للنشر

8.79 $

كافة الحقوق محفوظة للكتّاب والفنانين و/أو للناشرين وأصحاب الحقوق.
تنويه: قبل شراء الكتب الإلكترونية يرجى العلم أن لكل كتاب حقوق طبع ونشر محفوظة تمنحه حق المساءلة القانونية لكل من ينتهك هذه الحقوق، وبناء عليه فلا يحق لأي مشتري نشر محتوى الكتاب جزئيا أو كليا و/أو إعادة طباعته و/أو نشره إلكترونيا أو ورقيا أو بأي وسيلة كانت دون موافقة أصحاب الحقوق.

Zero was always trying to compete with all the numbers because he didn’t want to be zero. Which made him always stand on the left, and it became worthless, until that day came and he stood on the right and in the right position, and the value of all numbers increased.

It is not important to be ahead of everyone, the important thing is to be yourself and find your own value.

Age 7+




Additional information

Weight.400 g
Dimensions300 × 400 × 400 cm
موجه للفئة العمرية

5-7, 7-9


كتاب ورقي


Daily life, Family, Fiction, Maths, Mystery, Numbers


24×24 cm

تاريخ النشر

4th November 2020


Sunono Publishing – سنونو للنشر


Zero was always trying to compete with all the numbers because he didn’t want to be zero. Which made him always stand on the left, and it became worthless, until that day came and he stood on the right and in the right position, and the value of all numbers increased.

It is not important to be ahead of everyone, the important thing is to be yourself and find your own value.

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Zero Maybe More!
8.79 $